dwayne mann photography

snapshots and photographs

mann's eastern screech owl blog 2024

02/19/24 - settling in?

As predicted (ok, hoped) in yesterdays post, she rested all day until 2 minutes after sunset. She loosened up, hopped up to the perch, took in the view for a while, then plunged silently off into the night on a low swooping trajectory. Gone.

A few more visits reps and we’ll have a strong pattern, as she arrived again before dawn today, checked out the treehouse, enjoyed the perch, then jumped back down inside. Visits every day for well over a week is good, more so if this is in fact the female claiming her place. She has been there all day today and I’ll be watching again at sunset.

I looked for him in the surrounding trees after sunrise, but no luck. If she lays eggs, he will be close by on guard. I also want them to get used to my presence outside, from a distance at first as much as possible. She is not easily ruffled (yes, ruffled) by suburban noises - lawn blowers, kids, dogs, cars, overserved adults - but the guy pointing a big eyeball (uh, telephoto lens) at them is probably new.